22 December 2009

Every Thursday Andy and I go to Idaho Falls to have lunch with Andrea. Usually my niece Anna-Kate comes with us too because we go right after her dance class ends at 11:00, and she loves feeling like a big girl going to a 'restaurant' while her older sisters are in school. I enjoy Anna's company because, at 3, she's always saying the cutest things. (Though she'll tell you she's 4.) Last Thursday she was saying that when she's 17 she'll be able to reach the handle above the doors on my car, and be able to hold onto it while I'm driving because she'll be big. I asked her if she's going to get married when she's big and she said yes.
"Who are you going to marry, Anna?"
Anna: "Umm......Grandpa Rick."
Cutest thing I've ever heard in my life! Brought tears to my eyes! She then goes on to tell me that when she's married, her mom will be a grandma. Smart girl.
When we were out I kept calling the little man 'Andy Pants', like I sometimes do. This day Anna-Kate realized what I was saying and emphatically proclaimed:
"Weesh?! His name's not Andy Pants, it's Andy LANCE!" Sheesh, I was way off.
Anna asked me if Uncle Lance and I are going to get another baby from somebody, since babies don't grow in my tummy:
"Why do you think babies don't grow in my tummy?"
Anna: "Because your body doesn't have any milk milk!" (Duh!)
"Okay, so who would I get a baby from?" (Thinking she might say Andrea)
Anna: "I think Aunt Erika."
Fine with me. Could you make it a girl, please?