22 September 2010

Traveling to San Diego...

Andy's first time on an airplane was non-stop action. He didn't seem to notice the change in elevation, or even the take-off and landing. That child was all over the place, diving from me to Lance, to the floor, anywhere he could get! About halfway through is when he began eating the Sky Mall magazine. But his favorite activity was standing on our laps to see (and yell at) the other passengers. Mostly they would just smile back at him, obviously being much too kind.
Lance and I got a short break when Andyman figured out how to unlatch the tray in front of him. He kept looking at us like, 'Are you seeing this guys?? It's awesome!' Then he learned he could control it using just his feet, while lounging back against Dad. That kept him busy for probably a whole two minutes.
I had really been hoping for no dirty diapers on the flight...no such luck. Too bad Lance had the aisle seat and could get out easier than me:) He says he changed Andy in the airplane bathroom. Still not sure how that could be done, but there's some things you just don't question.
Lance and I both asked for Coke when the flight attendants came by. As they handed us our glasses Andy instantly began his freak-out reach as loud as possible, with Lance having to restrain him, ("eeeee! ooooohh! AAAAHHH!") I finally relented and let him take a drink from the straw hoping that would quiet him down, knowing of course he wouldn't like it. Big mistake... He only screamed louder, wanting more and more! What one year old loves Coca Cola?! Consequently, I was forced to chug both glasses so he couldn't spill them off the tray or knock them out of our hands. He was happy when I gave him the ice to play with, and kept licking it as it melted in his chubby hands.
Andy fell asleep on Dad's shoulder just as we were landing:)
He woke up for a few minutes while we got our luggage and the rental car, then conked again on the drive to our hotel.
Yay! Finally made it!
Our hotel was really nice! And thank goodness for a comfortable bed; we were exhausted.