"Who are you going to marry, Anna?"
Anna: "Umm......Grandpa Rick."
Cutest thing I've ever heard in my life! Brought tears to my eyes! She then goes on to tell me that when she's married, her mom will be a grandma. Smart girl.
When we were out I kept calling the little man 'Andy Pants', like I sometimes do. This day Anna-Kate realized what I was saying and emphatically proclaimed:
"Weesh?! His name's not Andy Pants, it's Andy LANCE!" Sheesh, I was way off.
Anna asked me if Uncle Lance and I are going to get another baby from somebody, since babies don't grow in my tummy:
"Why do you think babies don't grow in my tummy?"
Anna: "Because your body doesn't have any milk milk!" (Duh!)
"Okay, so who would I get a baby from?" (Thinking she might say Andrea)
Anna: "I think Aunt Erika."
Fine with me. Could you make it a girl, please?