On Friday night we had Anna-Kate and Alyse for a slumber party, (to help Dana so she could run the Pocatello Marathon on Saturday morning.) We took them to Arctic Circle because that's Anna's favorite 'restaurant,' and while we were there Andy drank his water from a straw for the first time! Usually we have to put a finger over the top of the straw then take it out of the cup and let the water drain into his mouth, but not anymore! He thinks it's so fun, too; congratulations, Andyman! Then on Saturday while Lance and I were doing yardwork, (yes, this was when I cut through the extension cord with the hedge trimmer while trimming the raspberry bushes..) Andy learned how to climb back on his little scooter car all by himself! He was so proud of his new talent that he kept dismounting just so he could get back on, over and over again!

Static hair:)

The free mini ice cream cones are a big treat for these girls, and most-likely the reason Anna likes going there so much!

Dana giving Leah a hi-five at mile 23; she finished in 3 hours and 57 minutes - amazing!! I'm so proud of her!
Lance had Labor Day off, so we took the opportunity to go visit Grandma Margene in Rexburg. She was asleep the whole time we were there, but we brought her some pictures of the little guy and hung them on her bulletin board. Joyce was there and we had a nice visit with her, and we got to see Kendra and Morgan.
Afterward, we saw this nice piece of machinery for sale: a '95 Ford Aspire with 175k miles, asking $1000. We had been casually looking for a cheap commuter car for Lance, and this seemed to fit the bill. After a short test drive Lance offered the college kid $800, and he took it! He said it gets 40+ mpg; a little better than the F-150's 16 mpg... Best of all, the tank was 3/4 full! Plus, he gave us an extra set of tires! Never heard of an Aspire?? We hadn't either. Think clown car with no options...unless of course you count the aftermarket keyless entry/alarm - ha!