Reading the Cheerio's book with Dad! He keeps his cheerios in that teal and white little bucket. Technically it's a water jug, but ever since Andy found it in the cupboard about 7 months ago, he's treated it as his own personal snack container.

Big boy eating with a spoon!

Playing peek-a-boo with his puppy towel

Here I am!

A lot can happen in a week and a half... We got home and all of a sudden Andy wanted real people food instead of his baby food. He is walking so well with his walker now, and he even grew taller while we were gone! (That explains the grumpiness...) He now can reach the fridge handles and the knobs on the stove, along with everything on our dresser and the counter. Andyman is growing up fast!

Lance mowing the backyard

It's a perfect fit through the lawn mower door!
Andy can drive his ranger really good now, too! He was so excited to see Magen and Katie again, and couldn't stop squealing!