Andy likes being able to hold his own bottle, and doesn't mind getting milk all over his face and clothes in the process.

Eating at Lucy's Pizzaria. Last time we ate there we had to give Andy a sink bath in their restroom and dry him off with paper towels, but he was a good little boy this night!

The Easter Bunny brought Andy an activity table! I tried to prop him up against it, but those chubby legs just can't hold his weight up yet. He seems to enjoy sitting by it though:)

I don't know that Lance loved his son wearing purple bunny ears on Easter, but one thing's for sure, he'd take the ears over baby legs anyday!

Sweet potatoes for breakfast - yum!

He didn't know what to think of all these new toys!

...so he went for the grass first, of course.

Andy really wanted to eat the grass, but didn't like the feel of it on his face, so he was frustrated and started waving his hands up and down really fast trying to get it off.

Mom and Dad were good this year--Easter bunny brought us a refurbished TomTom!

I am in love with Andyman's baby legs! Especially how they're being held up by fat rolls!!

The annual Menan Easter Egg Hunt was cancelled because of a snowstorm with 50-60 mph wind gusts (laugh it up Lacey), so it's a good thing Grandpa and Grandma Sheppard had a hunt of their own on Easter! But don't worry, I heard a rumor that Menan is rescheduling that hunt for sometime in MAY! (How do you
reschedule an easter egg hunt??)

Andy had no clue there was anything inside of his newfound toys, but Mama knew!

This child is very good with his hands. He could pick up the big eggs one-handed!

Don't be deceived by my sandals. It's freezing here; we woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning. I'm in denial.

Andy couldn't stop looking at those eggs long enough to smile for the picture! But hey, I'm just glad Lance is smiling AND looking in the right direction:)

Pretty sure he was posing here.
I have loved being able to look at all your pictures on facebook and now your blog. I feel like I am getting caught up on what you have been up to these past years. Your baby boy is so handsome. He looks to be very spoiled. He is a lucky boy.
Ha! Probably a little too spoiled, which is why we're hoping to be able to adopt again soon and spread the love!
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