At ten months old Andy's army-crawling is getting faster than ever! As my mother always says, "you turn your head for a second and they're gone." She's more right every day. We now have to keep the gate at the top of the stairs at all times, and I'm trying to get in the habit of closing the bedroom and bathroom doors! His favorite pastime is pulling out pieces of carpet and putting them in his mouth. His forth tooth (bottom right) finally came in after much pain, drooling, and chomping on everything he could get in his mouth. Andy got his first ear infection last week, in his right ear, and the left was beginning to show signs as well. He has definitely been taking full advantage of our sympathy. He's been crying at night, so we'll go in his room to find him reaching out of the crib with a sly smirk on his face, like he knows exactly how to get us to make the transfer to our bed. As soon as we lay him between us in the bed he turns himself perpendicular so that he can kick Lance in the face while pulling my hair and spitting on me in between giggles.. But we told him tonight that once he's finished his antibiotics we're done with that game. A few days ago he began opening kitchen cupboards and drawers, which he thoroughly enjoys. He packs toys, socks, shoes, water bottles, whatever he can find around with him then he'll open a drawer and throw it inside and look around and laugh. He'll also take an object and toss it out of reach in a hard-to-get-to place just to see if he can maneuver himself in there and get it. And when he reaches it he'll either spit really loud and/or laugh and clap. It's great. Sometimes he'll take something and throw it over the crossbars on the legs of a chair, pick it up, and do it again, over and over. Every morning while I'm making his cereal I ask him if he wants to listen to his music and I turn on his nursery rhymes CD in the kitchen. A few weeks ago he began bouncing up and down to the music in his high chair. But now all I have to do is say the word 'music' and he'll start bouncing before I even turn it on! He is so stinking cute, and just thrives on all the attention he gets!
1 comment:
He is the cutest little boy. I love these pictures! Brycen loves our bed too. It's that dang memory foam mattress topper! He's spoiled ha ha.
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